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Marine Insurance

Ilaf Takaful insurance Company provides insurance protection which suits your needs, also it provides the best covers against the risks which may affect your goods and movables during the sea , land and Air voyage since the shipping of goods till arrival to your stores or vise averse .

Types of Insurance :

Cargo Insurance

Insurance of marine Cargo , why?

Hull & Machinery insurance

How Hull & Machinery are insured?

Ship building / Repairs insurance

What is the ship building /repair policy?

Cargo Insurance

Despite the significant development in the current transport technologies and modern supplies , many losses or damages occur during the shipping of goods , loading and unloading . the potential compensations against such losses or damages by the shipping Companies remain somehow limited . Based on the Provsions of laws and International marine conventions , even in case of proved liability , most of these cases are limited to certain scope only. This type of insurance covers the Cargo shipped by sea , land or air.

Types of Cargo insurance Cover :

  • ALL RISK Insurance

  • This type of Insurance covers all risks of loss or damage of the Insured goods during the shipping process since the start of shipping from the original source till their arrival to the stores or the reverse , according to the policy conditions.

  • This type of Insurance is of limited coverage , it covers the loss or the total damage of the insured goods due to Fire, SUNK, Over Turning, COLLISION JETTISON .
  • Open insurance Policy

  • This policy is of benefit to the Insured who imported goods on continuous basis over short time intervals .the type of policy is selected according to the request of the Contributor whether a comprehensive insurance or LIMITED COVER Insurance .
  • War & SRCC Risks insurance

  • This type of Insurance covers all risks resulted from war acts , revolution , commotion , exposure to Mines or explosives.

Hull & Machinery Insurance

This type of insurance covers all types of small and large ships such as oil Tankers , Goods ships , Cattle vessels , Fishing ships , trips yachts and boats and sea motor-cycles .

Types of Insurance :

Comprehensive Cover

This type of insurance covers all the damages which the ship/boat may sustain according to the policy Conditions .

Third Party Liability

This type of Insurance covers the legal liability towards third party.

War risks

This type of insurance covers all risks resulted from war acts , revolution, Commotion or exposure to Mines .

Ship Building & Repair Policy

It covers the ship while being built in the shipyards or the process of introducing any additions or modifications on the type of ship such as changing an oil Tanker into cattle vessel .

Claims :

Athar Mohiuddin

Direct Line : 22245642

Fax : 22245611

E-mail :

Underwriting :

:Fakhruddin Ayaz

Direct Line : 22245635

Fax : 22245611

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